Saturday, 26 May 2018

If OnePlus Phones can be priced competitively in India, why can't other namebrands electronics?

I am quite impressed by seeing how well OnePlus phones have been priced in India ever since their first official launch back in Late 2014.

The Official price of OnePlus 6 in USA is 530$ (₹36,000 approx.) In India the price is 35,000 which is barely 1,000Rs. cheaper than USA for base model. This also proves that Import duties and taxes have minimal affect on the final pricing of a product.

So we come down to the conclusion that most MNCs are making extra profit by selling electronics at about 1.25x to 1.50x higher prices compared to America or sometimes Europe. I think the current launch of OnePlus 6 has really proven my point.

That's the reason why building a decent hardware equipped budget PC is a dream for many. I am also in a dilemma due to high prices of pc components and using a pc back from mid-2011 which i'm eager to upgrade.

Though I have everything upgraded except monitor and processor ever since I bought but i still in a hunt for better CPU and bigger monitor.

Most of my upgrades have been budget oriented cheap upgrades like adding another 4GB stick, getting Asus H61 motherboard after my original one (Intel DH61WW) started malfunctioning due to mishandling, adding two Seagate Drives (1TB in early 2015 and 2TB in late 2016) as I initially had only one 500GB WD Blue HDD.

GPU and PSU upgrades for me were a must as they both were failing severely, my GPU had crashing issue in most modern games and my PSU used to cause random restarts and both i replaced 2 years ago (GPU in March 2016, PSU in May 2016). It was such a relief to see all those bogus issues disappear and now i could enjoy doing my stuff without any worry.

Coming back to the topic,

Apple, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, Nokia, Google etc. are the major brands which people look up-to a lot. There's no second thoughts denying the fact they lead the big chunk of not only smartphone market and but other electronics such as DRAM/NAND Flash chip manufacturer (Samsung), Playstation; Bravia TVs; Blu-ray Players etc. (Sony).

We all are thankful to google for making Android Open Source thus indirectly offering people ultimate smartphones within the reach of their tight budget and who doesn't know about Microsoft for making the most popular and widely used Windows OS for computers.

Now just imagine if these major companies can be honest in their pricing policy then what wonders would it do for India, right? Our economy will get a huge boost, the share market would sky rocket and most importantly even middle class to some lower middle class people would be able to afford the electronics that are unfortunately in present moment considered a luxury in India.

I am hoping one day my dream will come true and we Indians would finally be able to get value for our money, especially in consumer electronics sector.

Monday, 7 May 2018

The Lie of Stupid "Science" We Live

Well, the world these days is simply stupid. Most of the things happening around make me cringe and yell so hard that it would blow the whole universe.

What stupid scientists don't understand is Humans are a form of universe or you could literally say are universe itself. What happens inside us has an effect on the whole universe (not only limited to earth) because the god designed it in such a way that everything is connected and our actions syncs perfectly with nature's harmony.

With all the stupid scientists we see these days are actually just a symbol of Satan (or even worse). They just try to decline the existence of higher power and believe that they can do anything without the help of nature or belief in spirituality. 

If so, why can't a dead person be brought back to life without any hope of miracle?

How come the whole world is balanced, synchronized and organized almost perfectly?