Seems like this drama will never end and stupid brainwashed Indian people who lack critical thinking are justifying it again as usual as they did in the past. Many people i have heard saying both console companies (Microsoft and Sony) pay 40% custom duty, i don't understand why would they even receive special treatment from Indian government or officials, it's just another form of electronics.
In India many people blame GST for high prices of electronics but do they know that even Europe their 20% after sales tax which is 2% higher than India yet still gaming consoles and iPhones are pretty cheap compared to here and it just doesn't end here. PC Parts prices of many components such as RAM, HDD, CPU, GPU etc. are quite similar India compared to Europe so it does raise the question if gaming console companies are being greedy and / or retailers are desperate for high profit margins, could be one of the things or both.
When PS2 launched in India back in 2003 it was twice the price compared to USA and Sony claimed they have to pay 66% in import duty which was a huge lie as there's nothing even close to that mark and highest duty on any product is not more than 28% so this proves they are trying to fool us with high price tag and making petty excuses just to justify their in-competitiveness and fraud